I made some things. Here's how I did it.

Reef Race

Maker Faire Bay Area, May 2019
Reef Race is a fun, challenging game for all ages showcased at the Maker Faire Bay Area in 2019. Created by an all-female maker team, this engaging and colorful experience won the Editor's Choice award.

Harry Potter Floating Candles

October 2018
We hosted a Harry Potter-themed Halloween party for our friends. In addition to bringing Butterbeer and Quidditch pong to life, we welcomed our guests with an entrance hallway full of floating candles hovering up and down.


Canstruction Madison, May 2013
We wanted to bring perpetual motion to an otherwise motionless space. The result was a working roller coaster with a motor-driven lift hill and real cans rolling the track.

Giant Simon

Canstruction Madison, May 2012
Our goal this year was to engage the audience, so we built a giant Simon game that worked. With a bit of programming and 196 LEDs, players got to put their memory to the test on an 8-foot tall display.

Optical Illusion Parade Float

Good Neighbor Festival, August 2011
Building a structure to be driven through a parade gave us an interesting opportunity to play some visual tricks. This optical illusion gave the appearance of a blue sky behind rolling hills as it was driven nearer, and a colorful sunset behind the valley as it passed by and drove away.

Cinderella's Castle

Canstruction Madison, May 2011
Our love for Disney parks inspired the first structure we built for a Canstruction event. Built to scale, Cinderella's castle had us disguising non-food materials that provided stability to our tin can structure.